The daily schedule will be released soon!
Lecture title
Patrick Couvreur Past, present and future of nanomedicines
Anthony J. Hickey Aerosol particle design to promote drug targeting in the respiratory tract
Robert S. Langer Micro and nano encapsulation and drug delivery
Nicholas A. Peppas Advances in modern protein delivery system for treatment of autoimmune diseases
Lecture title
Ruggero Bettini Oral drug delivery with Macro-Micro-Nano systems
Diane Burgess Impact of microstructure on the In vitro and in vivo performance of drug
loaded microspheres
Jose M. Lagarón Cabello High throughput electrospraying to encapsulate bioactives
Richard Guy Macroscopic, microscale and nano-technological approaches to deliver drugs to
and through the skin
Stuart Jones New approaches to employ particulates in formulations applied to the skin
Stefano Manfredini Innovative upcycled nano-sunscreen filters: a safe, sustainable, and effective
approach for next-generation UV protection
Alexander Mendyk Intelligent systems for microparticles and microparticles for intelligent
Olivia Merkel Nano-in-micro spray dried powders for inhaled RNA delivery as novel asthma
Tamara Minko Nanotherapeutics for nose-to-brain delivery for Alzheimer’s disease therapy:
an approach to bypass the blood brain barrier
Claudio Nastruzzi Particulate system production by microfluidics
Sara Nicoli Overcoming barriers in ocular drug delivery: potential and challenges of
Reinhard Vehring Particle engineering of dry powder respirable biologics for global health
Mingshi Yang Design of inhaled biologicals solid formulations via spray drying